Friday, 19 August 2011


Ramadhan is  a month that full of blessing that  we must make a lot of benefit from it. Ramadhan is the ninth month in Islamic Calendar that is based on the phase of moon. Islamic calendar do not correspond with the Gregorian Calendar.
There were a lot of challenges that I faced during Ramadhan. Ramadhan is known for the muslims to be fasting from sunrise to sundown.  The muslim was not only required to restraint themselves from hunger, they also need to restraints themselves from smoking, from looking   at inappropriate places, the way they talked and lots more.
For me, to restrain myself from hunger is an easy thing, but for others it quite a challenge. To overcome this, I decided to talk less, so I can avoid a lot of unnecessary talk. For me, the easiest way to do is to lower my gaze, so I do not spoke carelessly about others in a way that please me.

                To overcome those challenges, I also decided to make myself to move closer to my Creator. It was a ver y easy thing to do and hopefully I can still do it continuously. By making myself closer to Allah. It appers that, it make myself more reserve, patience and brighter.
                I can simply said that Ramadhan is a month that helped muslim to learn about patience, humanity and spirituality. They fast for  the sake of allah and offer more prayers than usual

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